Commit to the Arc


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Yesterday I had a two-hour coaching session with my new roommate who is a racing driver. We went out on the LA streets and highways and into Topanga Canyon. He was coaching me on driving. I learned about race driving and we had an ongoing conversation on what a metaphor for life driving is.

One of the interesting things we worked on was cornering. When you enter into a corner you want to enter from the outside, and then you steer into the corner-cutting it off within your lane. But, you don’t fully commit to the corner, or what they call the Apex. You start into the corner, there is a little bit of caution in that you wait until you can see your way out, then when you can see your way out, you steer for what is called the apex. The key is to not make any jags or jerks once you commit to the arc because if you make a jag or a jerk it puts extra pressure on the traction of the tires and can cause a wreck. So, the higher performance that you are the more you have to commit and anticipate and be right on the arc. I had a coaching client come over my house right after going driving. He’s committed to being a screenwriter and he was questioning it.  We were able to see how he got derailed from his screenwriting career because he didn't stay in the arc of it. We agreed he was going to write for a year and he questioned it and it really threw him off track. So, we got him back onto the arc that he had intended and is going to follow through with it. There is this quality in racing, that is also the same as committing to coaching in Inquiry Method, or committing to your growth or committing to your business; that once you have the inspiration and you commit to a thing, the key is to follow it through until you exit, follow whatever you are doing until there is a completion rather than jumping off in the middle. There are times when it seems uncertain or that it may go wrong, or that there is an obstacle in your way, but for your safety and for a good outcome, you commit to the arc.

Here is the link to Josh’s Blog (Excellent Human and Driving Coach Extraordinaire):