
Seasons are a form of rhythm that are undeniable and a powerful influence on our lives. In our culture we have kind of denied those rhythms and often try to just keep on plowing ahead regardless of them, but it’s important to recognize their effect on us.For example, summer is a time for activity and is not really a time for creation. In summer, we tend to want to play and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Summer is a time to not just enjoy life but also to recognize and realize and harvest what we have created.Fall for me is always the get-my-act-together and get-things-started kind of time; it is a great time to move into action and make new commitments and get down to things.Winter is a great time for reflection and turning inward, self-reflection.  Although we like the up of summer there is a turning in and a “down” of winter that we can enjoy and appreciate.Spring is a time for new exploration, new growth, new romance, and starting new things.  Planting our seeds and the expression of what we mined and discovered in ourselves in the inner explorations of winter.You may also notice that these same patterns occur in the month, the week, the day, in a conversation, …where else?  We are living in wheels within wheels; awareness allows us to navigate them better.Look into the patterns that you may have cultivated with these seasons, to discover how to make the most of these cycles for your life.Love,Kyle