Stagnant Energy, An Introduction

What creates life, vitality, and productivity in any system, individual or group is the movement of energy.  When energy is moving, things happen. Through leadership, we direct this energy toward objectives that we deem beneficial.  Thus, through leadership, as long as energy is moving, positive outcomes are taking place.Whether I work with a person, a company, a family, or a couple, there are elements in each situation that are very similar.  In the same way a person has an identity, companies, families, and couples can have an identity that is more than the mere sum of the individuals.  This synergistic aspect of groups can work greatly in our favor but can also work against us.The biggest problems occur when stagnant energy is present; think of a logjam in a river.  In systems, like a person (people are systems), companies, families, and couples, stagnant energy creates a backup of energy that can be identified in the forms of stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, suppressionand worry.  These are all markers for stagnant energy.When I work with an individual that is experiencing one of these markers, we use the tool of Inquiry Method to identify and release these blockages and get the energy moving again.  The result is the feeling of excitement, flow, peace, and freedom.  Just like a logjam breaking up, there is a surge of energy, productivity, movement and then a return to balance and flow.Next week I will share a case study of how stagnant energy can be identified to improve productivity in businesses.