How to Become Powerful


In this video, Kyle and I talk about how to become powerful in our lives. It starts with taking responsibility for how we are feeling in each moment. This might seem simple but it is harder in practice.

If you are having some upset around the holidays: any stress, tension, pain, or worry, then this video can help. It is only when we take back our power, the power to change how we feel, that we can begin to live harmoniously with our co-workers, friends, and family.

Watch the video below to hear the full conversation.


  • The theme for the Coaching & Teaching Circle in NY: “My feelings are 100% my responsibility and your feelings are 100% your responsibility.”

  • When we say, “I’m upset because…” we automatically put ourselves in the victim position. There is nothing we can do about it when we put our upset outside ourselves. Whether it’s about the environment, politics, or traffic, something is making me feel bad, and we are powerless to change it because we’re a victim of the world.

  • In Inquiry Method, we say, “I notice I’m being impacted by something, I wonder what’s going on inside me that’s causing that upset?”

  • In mediation between two parties, or in couples’ work, one party will often say, “I’m really upset with them and I think you need to fix them!” Kyle turns it back on the person who is upset and asks, “What bothers you about how they’re behaving?”

  • Inquiry Method and Life at Altitude is about working on what’s arising in me in relation to the world rather than what’s messed up “out there” or in somebody else.

  • As soon as I take the responsibility back for what I’m feeling I actually become empowered. It’s the only place from which I can make any changes and do anything about what’s bothering me.

  • It’s hard to make this shift because it’s a culturally agreed upon idea, “I’m upset because…”

  • Why is it that the Coaching & Teaching Circles don’t have a lot of form?

    • The Mountain Experience and Freedom Experience are like a machine. You put someone into them and they come out the other side with a reliable result.

    • The Coaching & Teaching Circle is more about community building, play, connection, laughter, and novelty. This event is a lot more like the Membership Calls where people just bring what’s present for them and we invent and customize the weekend around what they need. It’s like a group coaching call rather than a structured process for polishing someone.

At the end of the video we talk about the “festival” that we are going to have in the summer. We’ve decided to move that back to the fall, but will keep you updated in the coming months.
Come join us for the Oregon Coaching and Teaching Circle!

Timing: January 11th - January 12th
Location: Ashland, Oregon

Read more and register here.

We hope that you are having a very joyous holiday season. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. We hope that 2020 is the year where you live life at a higher altitude a majority of the time!

Cheers to living in your power,
Kyle, Peggy, and Olivia