How to Fill Yourself Up


Hi Everyone!

In this video blog, Kyle leads a self-love exercise so that you can learn how to be self-sufficient.

Many times we look to other people to fill us up and make us feel loved but imagine how amazing it would be to be self-reliant. What if instead of looking to others for love you were able to fill up your own tank?

Remember, once your tank is full you can connect with another person on a deeper level because you aren't trying to get anything in return.

Check out the full video and some main points of our discussion below.

Key Takeaways:

  • Do this exercise when you need to be filled up and feel like you are lacking in love.

  • Many times we look to other people to fill us up but relationships can be a mixed bag at best. Instead of looking to others to love you try loving yourself.

  • Putting this loving attention on yourself might sound strange but it’s part of why we are developing ourselves and growing is so that we can learn to love ourselves.

  • Once I am full I can actually connect with another person better instead of trying to suck something out of someone else.

  • Self-love exercise:

    • Start by hugging yourself and imagine you are hugging someone you love. What do you notice?

    • Tell yourself some nice things about yourself. Here are a few examples: ”You are such a good man/woman. You’re so handsome/beautiful. I’m so proud of you. You have fully reached your potential, now and in every moment. Congratulations. Wow you’ve come through so much. Good work!”

    • Notice how you feel afterwards. Was it uncomfortable? Did you enjoy it? Do you feel more full?

    • It may take some practice so don’t give up! Even if you fill yourself up just a bit that is a success. How beautiful to be able to be self-sufficient in that way.

  • After you do this exercise, notice how much more you have available to give to someone else.