Posts in Stress Reduction
Inquiry Leadership: Esprit de Corps

The first question I ask of a business client is: If you pull up to the parking lot of your business and sit in your car and wait, do you feel any resistance to walking in the door? What do you resist? How would you have to set up your work and your business so that you were looking forward to walking in the door?

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Stagnant Energy

What creates life, vitality, and productivity in any system, individual or group is the movement of energy. The biggest problems occur when there is stagnant energy, think of a log jam in a river. In all systems stagnant energy creates a back up of energy that shows up and can be identified in each individual in the form of stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, suppression, worry… These are all markers for stagnant energy.

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Money and Well-Being

Money is one way we can predict, to some extent, how secure we will be in the future. Money is stored energy. You engage in work that you are good at and store your effort and skill in the form of money for use in the future. It is important to develop a deep respect for money (your effort), and how it is used in your life, while not making it the center of your life.

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Where Do I Look?

Approaching life through the Inquiry Method provides a basic place to begin with any issue that may arise. We are tempted to say, “This person did this” or “They shouldn’t have done that,” or we try to explain how or why it is not about us. We are tempted to explain or defend ourselves.

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